Board and Committee Meeting Documents

The Addison County Economic Development Corporation Board of Directors normally meets on the third Thursday of each month from 7:30 a.m. to 9:00 a.m.

董事会的会议议程公布在本网页和米德尔伯里镇的实体市政公告栏上, Town of Bristol, 及韦尔热纳市在会议前至少48小时(特别会议为24小时).

会议记录会在会议结束后五天内上载于本网页,并保留12个月. 请注意,会议记录是草稿,直到董事会在下一个月开会批准会议记录.


每次会议的物理地点和远程访问链接都在会议议程中注明. Typically, the physical location is 1590 Route 7, Suite 8, Middlebury, and the remote access link is through Microsoft Teams. Telephonic attendance is also provided, but only for audio participation.

ACEDC Board Meetings:

October 17, 2024: Agenda • MinutesRecording

September 19, 2024: Agenda • MinutesRecording

August 2024: AgendaMinutes • Recording

No Meeting in July 2024


ACEDC also maintains several committees. These committees meet as required and not on a regular basis. 委员会会议议程和会议记录文件将在可用时张贴在下面.

Members of the public who reside in Addison County, and members of the media, may request access to meetings of ACEDC Committees by emailing at least two business days prior to the meeting. 该请求应说明该人希望参加哪一次会议,以及该人是希望亲自出席还是通过电子/电话方式出席. 这项要求只适用于委员会下次定期召开的会议,而不适用于一系列会议.

ACEDC Executive Committee Meetings:

October 10, 2024: Agenda • Minutes

September 12, 2024: Agenda • Minutes

ACEDC Loan Committee Meetings: 

September 2024: Agenda • Minutes


Procedure for Submitting a Notice of Violation of Vermont Open Meeting Law:

  • Provide to ACEDC, by sending an email to, 书面通知,指控具体违反了VSA第2章,并要求对违规行为进行具体补救.
  • In accordance with statute, ACEDC将在10个日历日内对涉嫌违规行为作出回应,承认违规行为,并在14个日历日内声明纠正违规行为的意图, 或声明ACEDC已确定未发生违规行为,无需采取补救措施.
  • The aggrieved party may also contact the Vermont Attorney General at (802)828-3171

1 VSA § 314. Penalty and enforcement

(a)作为公共机构的成员,故意违反本分章规定的人, 代表公共机构或应公共机构的要求,故意违反本分章规定的人, 或任何人明知并故意参与错误地将任何人或多人排除在本分章规定的任何会议之外,则属轻罪,并应处以不超过500美元的罚款.00.

(b)(1) Prior to instituting an action under subsection (c) of this section, 司法部长或任何因违反本分章规定而受到损害的人,应向公共机构提供书面通知,指控违反本分章的具体行为,并要求对这种违反行为进行具体补救. 如果公共机构根据本款的要求在事实上纠正了违反本分章的行为,则该公共机构不承担本条(d)款规定的律师费和诉讼费用.

(2) Upon receipt of the written notice of alleged violation, 公共机构应在10个日历日内通过以下方式对涉嫌违规行为作出公开回应:

(A) acknowledging the violation of this subchapter and stating an intent to cure the violation within 14 calendar days; or



(4)在公共机构承认违反本款第(2)(a)款规定后的14个日历日内, the public body shall cure the violation at an open meeting by:

(A) either ratifying, or declaring as void, any action taken at or resulting from:

(i) a meeting that was not noticed in accordance with subsection 312(c) of this title; or

(ii) a meeting that a person or the public was wrongfully excluded from attending; or

(iii) an executive session or portion thereof not authorized under subdivisions 313(a)(1)-(10) of this title; and

(B) adopting specific measures that actually prevent future violations.

(5) Following an acknowledgment or denial of a violation and, if applicable, 在公共机构承认违规的14天补救期届满后, 司法部长或任何因违反本分章规定而受屈的人可向发生违反行为的县的高级法院民事分庭提起诉讼,要求适当的禁令救济或宣告性判决. 可在发生被指控的违反行为或被指控的违反行为与之相关的会议召开后不迟于一年内根据本条提起诉讼. Except as to cases the court considers of greater importance, proceedings before the Civil Division of the Superior Court, as authorized by this section and appeals therefrom, 优先于所有案件,并应在切实可行的最早日期指定听审和审判或辩论,并以各种方式加快.

(6)对于被认定违反本分章规定的公共机构,法院应对其在根据本分章规定的任何案件中合理产生的合理律师费和其他诉讼费用进行评估,并在该案件中原告已取得实质性胜诉, unless the court finds that:

(1)(A) the public body had a reasonable basis in fact and law for its position; and

(B) the public body acted in good faith. In determining whether a public body acted in good faith, the court shall consider, among other factors, whether the public body responded to a notice of an alleged violation of this subchapter in a timely manner under subsection (b) of this section; or

(2)该公共机构根据本条(b)款纠正了该违法行为. (Amended 1979, No. 151 (Adj. Sess.), § 4, eff. April 24, 1980; 1987, No. 256 (Adj. Sess.), § 5; 2013, No. 143 (Adj. Sess.), § 4; 2015, No. 129 (Adj. Sess.), § 2, eff. May 24, 2016; 2017, No. 113 (Adj. Sess.), § 1.)